
Long-Term Equestrian Development

Published on
January 19, 2025
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The Equestrian Canada Long-Term Equestrian Development Model (LTED) 2.0 takes the proven concepts of the Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model, created by Sport for Life Society, and applies them to equestrian sport.

As a model, LTED 2.0 provides the Canadian equestrian community with a vision to help improve the sport infrastructure, programs and initiatives to ensure the best opportunities are available for all athletes and participants – whatever their personal goals or stage of development. A copy of the model can be reviewed here.

Ontario Equestrian's Coach Developers also deliver a 2.5 hour course by webinar and in-person that dives into the Long-Term Equestrian Development model This module will provide participants with an explanation and exploration of ‘What is LTED’ and where both athletes and coaches fit. Participants will understand that the LTED Framework defines optimal training, competition, and recovery programs based on biological age rather than chronological age, therefore based on human growth and development principles. Along with encouraging an athlete-centred approach to equestrian development, athletes with a disability will see how they can achieve success and enjoyment in the sport. There will be discussions surrounding optimal windows of trainability and training vs growth and development, training vs competition, and recommended competition to training ratios and development stages. Look for this training in the Ontario Equestrian Event calendar.

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